5 Things to Pack for Water Sports at Your Boys Summer Camp

Camp Shohola is a summer camp for boys located on beautiful Lake Greeley, providing a variety of water sports activities for our campers. Your child will be able to fish, swim, and canoe on the lake daily.  Here’s what you need to pack for your child before they arrive:

1. Sunscreen

Temperatures at our summer camp for boys generally stay around 85॰F, but the water can amplify the sun’s rays. A good sunscreen provides protection against the sun and prevents sunburn. We recommend that parents pack water-resistant sunscreen.

You may notice a rating system on sunscreen bottles, which indicates how much UV protection the product provides. Sun Protection Factor (SBF) has ratings of 15, 30, 50, and 100. We recommend a higher SBF rating, such as 50, that accommodates longer swim times.

2. Treatment for Sunburns

In case your child gets sunburned out on the water, we recommend that parents pack sunburn ointments such as aloe vera. This product usually comes in the form of a gel and is applied directly to the sunburn to relieve discomfort and itchiness. Aloe cools the surface of the skin and helps to lock in moisture, which helps the healing process.

Sunburn ointments may come in the form of a spray. This cooling spray allows your child to keep their hands clean and reach hard-to-get areas such as their back and shoulders. The ointment can be applied twice a day in either gel form or a spray.

3. Insect Repellant

Flying insects such as mosquitoes and flies can be commonly found around bodies of water, including Greeley Lake. To protect your child from bites and stings, you should pack insect repellent. Insect repellent works by affecting an insect’s smell and taste, preventing them from finding and landing on your child. Directions for application and reapplication are found on the repellant labeling.

4. Personalized Towels and Clothing

Towels help your child dry off after spending time in the water or after showering. To keep track of your child’s belongings, we recommend that parents put their child’s name on clothing and towels. Names can be written with a fabric marker, appliqued, or attached with a fabric label.

Packing a laundry bag for your child is helpful. This bag keeps clean and dirty clothes separate by holding the dirty items. You can place the entire bag in the washer, which helps keep your child’s clothing distinct from other campers’ laundry. This method simplifies sorting and prevents mix-ups.

5. Extra Clothing and Swimsuits

We recommend that you pack extra clothing for your child so they have dry, warm clothing to change into after the day’s water sports activities. This prevents your child from running out of fresh clothes before laundry day, which is done once a week. You might pack additional swimsuits for your child so that they always have access to a clean, dry suit.

Learn More About Our Summer Camp for Boys

Camp Shohola has been offering a fun summer destination for children since 1943. Activities include outdoor adventures, equestrian lessons, and both land and water sports. Contact us today to learn more about our facility and enrollment.